The Mudcat Café TM
Thread #34928   Message #2108424
Posted By: GUEST,Lee T
21-Jul-07 - 10:36 PM
Thread Name: Origins: Bless 'Em All
Subject: RE: Help: Bless 'em All
Thanks for the reply and although I served on a number of squadrons during my service ( 22,51,103,110,205,543 )the only other song of significance was a stupid repetitive song called "Goodbye Horse" where the words were insignificant but the emphasis placed on the words had everyone rolling about in laughter.
For the record the words were :

Goodbye 'orse, Goodbye 'orse
He was saying goodbye to his 'orse
And as he was saying goodbye to his 'orse
He was saying goodbye to his ' orse
goodbye 'orse goodbye 'orse

Now I know that the song is stupid and repetitive but at a squadron "do" it took upon itself a certain ritual and was regularly requested by squadron members.
It was certainly popular on 22, 51,and 543 Squadrons and yours truly seemed to get the reputation for singing the song.
I do not know the origin of the song, perhaps it has connections with the army?

Any information would be gratefully recieved from an historical perspective.
Incidentally for you older members, my sister Glynis Longhurst,is the treasurer of the Burma Star Association and she would love to hear from all of you veterans that have any information that you would like to impart.
Dad, Freddie Tomkins,now passed away bless him, was in the 10th Glosters in Burma during the war and I would love to hear from any old comrades as I am currently trying to compile a history of the battalion in Burma.
Hope to hear from you soon.
Incidentally I joined the Royal Air Force in 1962 as a Boy entrant in the 47th Entry and would love any correspondence with anyone with similar links

Lee T