The Mudcat Café TM
Thread #103368   Message #2108621
Posted By: kendall
22-Jul-07 - 12:14 PM
Thread Name: BS: Window World - scam?
Subject: RE: BS: Window World - scam?
Robin, you have been around here for quite a long time, and I've never known you to be nasty or insulting. Given this remark you made a lot of thought, and I want to think it was just an offhand comment that you yourself didn't necessarily believe.

These days, we who never voted for Bush or Cheney have been quite frustrated for what that gang is doing in the name of America. As far as I'm concerned, they should both be impeached, but the democrats lack the balls to do it.However, it is gratifying to see that the republicans are also getting fed up with them, and they are turning against Bush on the war.
Of course, they are mostly interested in covering their own asses with the coming election, and they know that the people have spoken, and the majority are against the war. John McCain is still in favor of the war, and his campaign is foundering badly. It's just a matter of time until he throws in the towel.

In the meantime, it would be nice if our friends could cut us some slack, and not lump us all together.