The Mudcat Café TM
Thread #103498 Message #2109207
Posted By: Joe Offer
23-Jul-07 - 09:44 AM
Thread Name: Folk Singers Manual
Subject: RE: Folk Singers Manual
Synbyn, not knowing where or what the Folksingers' Manual might be, tried to give the impression that voyager was foolish for asking. I didn't know where or what the Folksingers' Manual might be, either. I checked and google, and had no luck. Then a faint whiff of a memory came back, which is becoming a rare event for me these days. If I recall correctly, the Brothers Smothers would occasionally mention the Folksingers' Manual in their routines. I get the impression the Manual existed only in their imaginations (or in the imaginations of their script writers). I also vaguely recall that they had one script writer who became very well-known, but I can't remember who that writer was. Anybody know? Take it! -Joe-