The Mudcat Café TM
Thread #103498   Message #2109345
Posted By: voyager
23-Jul-07 - 12:29 PM
Thread Name: Folk Singers Manual
Subject: RE: Folk Singers Manual
Well Folk(ies) -

Glad to see this note has got the creative juices flowing.... Perhaps a Mudcat Thread on "Folk Singer's HowTo Guide' is in order!

For example - "just murder good prose and sing thought your nose...."
Traditional Folksinger's Lament - Eric Bogle

With all due respect, the SmoBro UTube skit made me bust a gut from the scriptwriter's gag line (regarding the Folksingers Manual). Turns out that the phrase 'folksinger's manual' is a Google-buster. Ain't no such thang.

So as I remove tongue-from-cheek I urge my comedic friends on the MudCat to just

Take It!

PS - When will the 'Little Known Folksingers of the 60's' thread reach
1000 entries?