The Mudcat Café TM
Thread #103325   Message #2109907
Posted By: Pistachio
24-Jul-07 - 07:24 AM
Thread Name: BS: Boasting about my child!
Subject: RE: BS: Boasting about my child!
Wonderful thread. Uplifting.
Jealousy creeping in - I know I went wrong somewhere with my two.

I did my best - I wasn't as strong/firm as I needed to be.
I chose the harmony line in life and song. I expected that children 'should do as they were told' as I had done but it's an art form 'parenting' and 'telling'.

My husband and I had hugely different childhoods. He learned his life lessons in the fast lane and I had a quiet ordered life. We met in the Army and were used to following orders. I realise now I do what I percieve I 'have to do' and forget that in life we should also do what we 'want to do'. (tho' I'm making up for that now)

I pre-empted so many situations and did too much for the children domestically (because "I" wanted it done/tidied/cleared) They've yet to realise that there's more that they can do for themselves. I was so busy being 'in charge' that I failed to be their friend.

Verity (21)works in Prison and Phil (17-)is still in education and 'chillin'. He will find his way and he is a lovely sociable lad but has no work ethic.
I'd love to have had family visits to folk festivals but my husband had no interest in the wonderful happy weekends of music and song so I represent him wherever I can(!!)

We are all so different.

PS. Claiming Aunts bragging rights now, my niece(21) got a 2.1 in Music from Edinburgh University this summer.
H. x