The Mudcat Café TM
Thread #102927   Message #2109944
Posted By: Bobert
24-Jul-07 - 08:34 AM
Thread Name: BS: Education, Race 'n Community...
Subject: RE: BS: Education, Race 'n Community...
Yeah, I think that diversifying neigborhoods is a noble goal but fear that the sme folks who don't wnat their kids to have to school with black kids will use the same arguments to keep black folks out of their communities...

I mean, ahhhhhm their are am,ot of people like that... Okay, maybe in the folkie world things seem to be a tad rosier but that's because in the folkie world their isd a greaster degree of enlighentment than in the general population... Yeah, the folkie world does not mirror the general population...

Just look around Mudcat, fir instance... I think it represnts the folkie world rather well and look at the number of folks here, for instance, who are Bush supporters??? Or have been Bush supporters... Not many... Certainly not even close to the number of folks it would take on a percentage basis to get an election close enough for Bush's thugs to steal...

So, yeah, I would love to see our communities and neighborhoods more intergrated but it just ain't ghappening on a large scale and in some places, not at all...
