The Mudcat Café TM
Thread #102927   Message #2109966
Posted By: John Hardly
24-Jul-07 - 09:08 AM
Thread Name: BS: Education, Race 'n Community...
Subject: RE: BS: Education, Race 'n Community...
Bobert, the only person on this thread who has even HINTED that they liked some segregation was the only black person participating herein. It was Azizi who said...

"Three years later, at the start of a new school year, I was seated at the Black table. Why? I was SICK of the "what do Black people want?" and "Do Black people get sun tans" and a host of other assorted questions, some well meaning, and some not. I was also tired about not studying anything about me or MY PEOPLE except in reference to dysfunction families and dysfunctional community systems in sociology classes. I wanted to hang with Black people so I could shoot the breeze using words and sayings and cultural references that I did not have to explain. I wanted to kick back and relax and just be me. And so I sat at the lunch table with other Black students instead of sitting at the "integrated table". And that was just what the doctor [in me] ordered at that time and in that space."

It isn't about whites wanting to segregate from blacks. It is quite often, and for their own reason, blacks who wish to segregate themselves. Recent studies have shown that, contrary to the "diversity" model that has been pushed on us as "better" for education, actually blacks in their own controlled schools are doing better academically without all the social engineering pressure that requires them to excel in a cultural setting that is an obstacle to their better learning.

Y'know, the etymology of the word "Homophobic" has been lost to a lot of political rhetoric and has now come to mean something closer to "hating gays". But its origin was in the notion that the reason people disliked gays was that they were "homophobic" -- that is, they feared that they themselves were gay, and hence, tried ever harder to distance themselves from "gayness".

Are you sure you aren't just a little "racistophobic"? Me thinks thou doest protest just a little too much for normal.