The Mudcat Café TM
Thread #82028   Message #2111772
Posted By: Donuel
26-Jul-07 - 10:32 AM
Thread Name: BS: Popular views of the Bush Administration
Subject: RE: BS: Popular views of the Bush Administration
Ideology is never a suitable premise for foreign policy.
Alfred Kayda PHD

$1.5 trillion is the estimated cost to keep the aging US infrastructure intact over the next 5 years.

This is about equal to the actual cost of the ongong Gulf Wars.

The US will pay for the diversion of these funds. Our bridges pipes tunnels and roads currently in need of repair will be futher stressed by an acellerated rate of natural disasters.

It is possible that Halliburton will have its cake and eat it too if called upon for additional Katrina like emergency repairs.

there is no such thing as a stock tip: however to buy low and sell high check out

Texas Instruments.
Exon Mobil
GM (at junk bond status last year)
AG Edwards%Wacovia merger.