The Mudcat Café TM
Thread #103546   Message #2112183
Posted By: skipy
26-Jul-07 - 07:20 PM
Thread Name: Your earliest childhood musical moment?
Subject: RE: Your earliest childhood musical moment?
My earliest accutal memory is of a friend & I clubbing together to buy:-
"Please, please me". However I was in cubs before that & I know we sang around the camp fires, but there is no true memory. It stayed with me because my friend had an older brother. We were playing it over & over again, his mum came up to his room & asked me to leave, I thought the repetion was driving them mad, but sadly his brother
( several years his senior ) had been killed on his motorbike.
I hear that song now, all those years on & it comes back to me straight away.
Another memory is that I was brought up in the Methodist church, my father was a lay preacher we had a very strict regime on a Sunday so we always ate at the same time, when I hear the theme tune for family favorites I can smell custard!
Strange bit of kit the old grey matter!