The Mudcat Café TM
Thread #103562   Message #2112426
Posted By: autolycus
27-Jul-07 - 05:47 AM
Thread Name: BS: Has anyone noticed....UK
Subject: RE: BS: Has anyone noticed....UK
Who closed down the mine and the car industries?

I'll tell tou who. The bloody Poles,that's who.

And I hate vacancies being full. That's not what vacancies are for, for cripes' sake.

or was it the Somalians?

And who relocated the call centres to India?

I'll tell you who. The Italians, who came here in a wave of pizza and washing-up liquid.

And who wiped out the British film Industry?

And what about British Agriculture/ When did you last eat a true British pineapple? I'll tell you who . The govmenen, - giverminenetnetn - the ruling load.

And what about those deeply patriotic True Brits ekeing out a living in Monaco or the Cayman Islands.

or is that the Inderman Islands?

That's where your patriotic Brits. live. Abroad. Obviously.

The Poles should do what we do and stay at home. (Shurely shome mishtake? Ed.)

Or our True Brit criminals running away to Spain so as not to live the life of Riley in one of our 5-star prisons.

I blame my parents who told me I was stupid from the word- um - go.

And, do you know what - I went and believed them.

Where DO I get all my ideas from?

Books? I should coco.

"Whereof we know nothing, we should not speak." Wittgenstein. (Bloody Pole. Probably.)
