The Mudcat Café TM
Thread #103599   Message #2112544
Posted By: GUEST,Sapper, waiting passing Dick Pickle at Greyr
27-Jul-07 - 09:03 AM
Thread Name: BS: If Liz can boast about her brood........
Subject: BS: If Liz can boast about her brood........
After reading LTS's much deserved and well earned Knicker Flash (See UMRA) about Limpet, I must say that t'other month, when we went to Emma's (15yo) parents evening, t'other half & I were reduced to wishing one of the teachers would say something bad about her!
She is viewed as being a delight to teach, accademically brilliant and generally leaves Val & I wondering where we got her from.

Also, 18yo has finished his 2y at Welbeck, dropped out of the MOD Scheme and got an apprenticship with Royces!

Well done both of them!!