The Mudcat Café TM
Thread #20340   Message #211288
Posted By: wysiwyg
13-Apr-00 - 03:26 PM
Thread Name: Help: Work Policies
Subject: RE: Help: Work Policies
At work I am the boss, so I have to scare myself.

This was brought into proper proportion for me when the large national non-profit for whom I work (in a very small rural chapter) recently informed all intranet users (NHQ plus 1200+ local units and all the associated staff and volunteers on the intranet) that personal use of IT resources at NHQ had locked up the NHQ mainframe due to people sending too many cute jokes marked "Reply to ALL" and the extensive worldwide network of contacts was so huge that one popular message in particular killed IS for a whole day. Oops!! Mission critical communication, zapped!

The organization responded from a perspective not unlike Amos' description above, whihc asked that people just please think a bit more and also stop using "Reply to All" indiscriminately!

But I do watch what I leave on the hard disk because when the big dog's away....

So if you do not know how to delete your History files, and keep your bookmarks and e-correspondence separate, do find out!
