The Mudcat Café TM
Thread #103615   Message #2115115
Posted By: Little Hawk
30-Jul-07 - 08:25 PM
Thread Name: BS: The End of Science in Texas...
Subject: RE: BS: The End of Science in Texas...
Ah, yes, but then there is the spiritual search. It primarily involves questions...and the seeking of answers...and further questions... The questions never end.

It's a lifelong process, just as scientific inquiry is. It relies upon continuing observation, reason, and analysis. It does not rely upon doctrine. It may consult any number of existing doctrines (as does science) as aids in determining pursuing this or that line of inquiry, but it is not bound BY them or limited TO them.

I'm not sure any of that has much to do with Texas lawmakers. I think their main business, whether or not they believe in evolution or creationism, is the laying down of doctrine. ;-)

"Listen up! Yew shall do it the way we says to, or yew shall face the danged court."

By the way, what if someone's idea OF creationism were that it involved (and presently involves) the very processes we call "evolution"? Seems like a reasonable hypothesis to me. Why must the two be mutually incompatible? ;-) The assumption that they are is highly an inquiring mind...but not to one that already thinks it knows. A mind that already thinks it knows is like a solid rock. You can bounce any number of things off it, but they WILL not penetrate.

This controversy, if it is one, is going on between 2 diametrically opposed sets of such minds, in my opinion. I'd hate to be the ping pong ball forced to bounce between them.