The Mudcat Café TM
Thread #103615   Message #2115232
Posted By: frogprince
30-Jul-07 - 11:59 PM
Thread Name: BS: The End of Science in Texas...
Subject: RE: BS: The End of Science in Texas...
Good Brother John, Maker of Lovely Pottery,
I read a lot of what you write, and wish that I could match your depth and clarity of thinking. But at times I still feel that you're conditioned by your beliefs to miss some very obvious things. I know that you are way beyond the Creation Museum and 6000 year old earth nonsense. But, if I remember right, you've defended the "factual" basis of Genesis by refering to the order of the creation, as I've heard numerous people do over the years.
Day is when the sun is "up". Night is when the moon is "up". Genesis states that the sun and moon weren't created until the fourth day. So far as I can see, Genesis reflects (1) the assertion by several authors of their faith in God as the creator, and (2) the fact that they were men of their time, totally ignorant of the literal history of the creative process.
Oh, by the way, Little Hawk: I hope you don't think "By the way, what if someone's idea OF creationism were that it involved (and presently involves) the very processes we call "evolution"? " Is an original thought. A whole lot of people have held that idea, for a long time, from C.S.Lewis to various high school science teachers I know (who don't preach religion in science class).