The Mudcat Café TM
Thread #103704   Message #2115346
Posted By: Dave the Gnome
31-Jul-07 - 05:56 AM
Thread Name: BS: Why P on anyones Parade?
Subject: BS: Why P on anyones Parade?
Or on their chips or whatever expression you want to choose. Do you know what I mean?

Say I start a thread saying "I realy enjoyed the CD of music from of Die Fledermaus by the Swinton Jazz and Skiffle dance orchestra". I am pretty sure that within minutes someone will come on saying it is absolute crap and should be consigned to the bin.

Now, come on guys, I may be looking for a bit of support, I don't realy know. I am not looking for approval by any means. I will openly admit that I like some pop music (I thought Robbie Williams new album was excelent) and I will freely admit that I do not like some of the elders of folk (eg Norma Waterson). I am not the king of person that would take offence at someone slagging off my tastes. Pretty thick skinned (and headed before someone else says it). I would, however, like to know why they do it.

I would never dream in a million years of, upon overhearing a conversation in a pub where someone says 'I think that Billy Bollockses new album is brilliant', of stepping in and saying 'I think that Billy Bollocks is a load of shite and anyone listening to that rubbish must be tone deaf'. I would never do it online either. Yet dozens of people do exactly that.

Why do they do it? Do they need to feel superior? Are they insecure in what they believe is good? Or is it just bad manners?

Contentious thread maybe but if we steer away from real examples and real people we may be able to discuss it without sinking to the usual mudbath:-) Maybe we can get some good out of it? Reduce the number of arguments? I dunno.

