The Mudcat Café TM
Thread #103704   Message #2115412
Posted By: TheSnail
31-Jul-07 - 08:12 AM
Thread Name: BS: Why P on anyones Parade?
Subject: RE: BS: Why P on anyones Parade?
Dave Polshaw
I would never dream in a million years of, upon overhearing a conversation in a pub where someone says 'I think that Billy Bollockses new album is brilliant', of stepping in and saying 'I think that Billy Bollocks is a load of shite and anyone listening to that rubbish must be tone deaf'. I would never do it online either. Yet dozens of people do exactly that.

Subject: RE: What's so wrong about Barbershop?
From: Dave Polshaw - PM
Date: 22 Jul 07 - 06:31 PM

It's American shite. Nearly as bad as blues and jazz.

End of story.
