The Mudcat Café TM
Thread #103683   Message #2115475
Posted By: GUEST,Lighter at work
31-Jul-07 - 09:42 AM
Thread Name: Rogues Gallery - Sea songs etc.
Subject: RE: Rogues Gallery - Sea songs etc.
While it's true there's no accounting for taste or the lack of it, and we may disagree strongly in specific cases, it doesn't follow that all artistic productions are somehow equal.

The problem I find with all but three or four tracks on Rogues Gallery is that the performer's' style - including some of the changes of lyrics - is way out of line with what I think is the dominant feeling of the words and melody. In most cases the singers seem to be mostly interested in sounding as weird or outrageous as possible. In other words, proving how great and bizarre and innovative they are personally. And to hell with the song. (This has been a problem in rock and other genres for close to forty years.) In some cases, they don't seem to know what they're singing about. It's "just words." Instrumentally the album is a little better, but once again most of the sounds are unfocused and drearily uninvolving.

Some years ago a friend of mine attended an art lecture. Before showing the slides, the presenter reassured the audience by saying, "Now don't be turned off if you find yourself believing that some of these paintings are 'beautiful' or 'artistic.' That was just the style in those days."

What was *that* about? Rogues Gallery seems to have been made without much regard for artistry except to the extent that the performers can play their instruments without making any clangers.