The Mudcat Café TM
Thread #103704   Message #2115709
Posted By: Dave the Gnome
31-Jul-07 - 01:02 PM
Thread Name: BS: Why P on anyones Parade?
Subject: RE: BS: Why P on anyones Parade?
Well spotted meself! I am surprised no-one took me up on it in the thread - I was most disappointed:-) Glad you kept the ':D' in as well, Brian - Hopefuly most people understand what it means?

I thank you so much for answering on here, Greg (B). I did raise this thread because 'BS' is the place to move the discussion we were having above the line. Your explanation of why you hated the CD so much is, in my opinion, far better than your dismissive comment in the first thread. I apologise if that seems to be patronising - it really isn't intended to be. If everyone would explain why they feel the need to call something crap in the first place I am sure the world would be a much better place:-) I would not consider your above comment to be pissing on anyones chips! I would say that your remarks in the other thread were though. Surely I am not the only one that can see the difference am I?

Midchuck - I take it you are not a fan of Eminem or Slim Shady then? I think there is some good in most genres although I do find it difficult to uncover it in some!

jeffp - Who is not interested in someone elses opinion? Pissing on a parade is a far cry from saying 'I personaly don't like this because...'

Anyroads - Off home. Might get back on later before the open mic night but may not. I'll see. I may try Stings version of Blood Red Roses. I'm sure my Mancunian version of a Geordie accent will go down well in Whitley Bay:-) On second thoughts I may not. I do want to be back later after all...

Play nice.
