The Mudcat Café TM
Thread #103715   Message #2115895
Posted By: Rapparee
31-Jul-07 - 04:07 PM
Thread Name: BS: TMI- Risks of 'clean' power
Subject: RE: BS: TMI- Risks of 'clean' power
Don, even with a self-propelled power mower (such as I have) you can still end up walking a pretty good distance. Last time I mowed my pedometer tracked over 5,000 steps. That's about 2.3 miles, just walking back and forth, back and forth. It doesn't count the other stuff I did that day (such as shopping) or the intensity of the exercise (steps taken walking uphill use more calories than those on level ground, for instance). One of these days I'll use a pedometer on a piste just for the helluvit.

Watching the golfers from my back porch I see all sorts of buggies, and perhaps only 25% of the golfers are walking the course even pulling their clubs in the cart. Far fewer actually carry their clubs. I used to caddy, and even 9 holes spent totin' a leather golf bag with a full set of clubs in the hot August sun will put hair on your chest.

Something the Western World would do well to reinstate is reasonably sized menu portions. I just came from lunch where I had a two-egg omelet, a biscuit with butter, and some fruit. I could have had a double cheeseburger with bacon, each patty weighing 8 ounces, with "endless" fries, but I didn't.