GUEST, Joan, I Googled around and found this. Could it be the Beeping Sleauty you are looking for?
BEEPING SLEAUTY - anonymous (amended by Dan Kahler)
A gong time alo in a loreign fand, there lived a principul beautress and a mugly old itch who didn't like principul beautress because she was as pud as she was gretty. So, the mugly old itch spast a kevil ell making the principal beautress slo to geep. Then the mugly old itch went around reiking with slaughter, bellin' everytody the principul beautress slo on geepin' till bomesody lell in fove with her and hissed ker so she could aken wup. But, chortled the mugly old itch, bonody will lall in fove with banyody who's ateep all the slime. So, the principul beautress became known as beeping sleauty.
One day a buller frush man copped by the stastle, and when bonody answered his dock on the knoor, he wooked in the lindow and saw beeping sleauty. Now, he didn't care whether she was neepin' or slot because he saw how wair she fas, so he gloke the brass and bimbed into the gledroom where beeping sleauty was slound aseep. He canted a pliss on the nip of her toes, and beeping sleauty opened her eyes.
"Guy moodness!," she said. "My mair must be a hess."
"It ertainly sis," said the buller frush man. Then he suddenly nell on his fees, hook her by the tands, saying, "I'm not really a buller frush man; I'm a hung & pransom yince. But a mugly old itch cut a purse on me and kanished me from my bingdom till I could sell a beeping sleauty a buller frush. You have sproken my bell. Will you marry me?"
Beeping Sleauty said, "strisn't this ange. You have sproken my bell, too. Yes, I will marry you because we have so cuch in mommon."
And mo they were sarried, and one of the dirst things they fid was have the mugly old itch prast into kison, so she douldn't coo more dicked weeds.
So, remember, if you fappen to hall under a spevil ell, and you wanna end up thrittin' on a sone, never chass up a pance to kiss a Beeping Sleauty to make her a thankful beauty.