The Mudcat Café TM
Thread #41824   Message #2116382
Posted By: Edmond
01-Aug-07 - 08:23 AM
Thread Name: Nasty Nursery Rhymes
Subject: RE: Nasty Nursery Rhymes
Yankee Doodle went to town
On a cart and pony.
He let a fart that split the cart
And paralysed the pony.

Ann Maguire pissed in the fire
The fire was too hot so she pissed in the pot.
The pot was too round so she pissed on the ground.
The ground was too hard so she pissed in the yard.
The yard was too fat so she pissed on the cat -
The cat ran away with the piss on its back.

Davy Crockett built a rocket.
The rocket went "Bang !"
His balls went "Clang !"
And he found his prick in his pocket.

Considering it was a Catholic school . . .