The Mudcat Café TM
Thread #103638   Message #2116398
Posted By: RogerTCB
01-Aug-07 - 08:50 AM
Thread Name: The Morris Ring - know this organization's health?
Subject: RE: The Morris Ring - know this organization's hea
Yes, there are a few misogynists (for whom 'womens morris' is an oxymoron) hiding out in the Morris Ring but their numbers are dwindling.

I know from experience that several Squires' of The Morris Ring have no difficulty at all with womens/mixed morris & have done their best to lead the reactionaries of the member sides into the light.

Very few member sides of The Morris Ring are actually active within the organisation (the same applies to the Fed as well). The two Ring sides I dance with are only there by accident and now its just too much effort to change & would provoke arguments between friends for no benefit. Both sides are male only because most of the members prefer it that way and the rest don't care. Because they are male only sides, they can be members of The Ring. Its the side itself deciding collectively that they want to be a mens organisation, not the Ring.

The Ring has never had an influence over either of my Ring sides choice of who they dance out with & both go on tour with womens & mixed sides without any difficulty.

Several years ago, both Ducklington & Ellington changed from male to mixed so the could continue rather than fold. Whatever Morris organisations they were members of before, they are now both members of the Federation.

The statement about Ring sides refusing entry to women has the cart before the horse - its nothing to do with the Ring & everything to do with the members of the side approached.