The Mudcat Café TM
Thread #103717   Message #2116586
Posted By: Big Al Whittle
01-Aug-07 - 12:40 PM
Thread Name: I love Lincolnshire
Subject: RE: I love Lincolnshire
Grantham is lovely. It has a good Chinese restraurant (Hop Sing's). A nice supermarket.

I did a St Paddy's day gig there once to nest of IRA sympathisers at a pub called Winston Churchill - or something like that, down Wharf Rd.

They make dumper trucks there at Aveling Barford. And there used to be a good chip shop, but its closed.. ... I was a great favourite of the old ladies in Grantham, singing at several of the retirement homes.

Also Grantham Gingerbreads come from Grantham.

I remember a trad singer from there that I liked, called Roger the Postman.