The Mudcat Café TM
Thread #89103   Message #2116651
Posted By: Jerry Rasmussen
01-Aug-07 - 01:53 PM
Thread Name: Sitting At The Kitchen Table
Subject: RE: BS: Sitting At The Kitchen Table
Hi, Pat: Glad your kitchen table is well-populated with friends. I'm glad you dropped by and joined ours. Don't be a stranger, now.

This morning, my wfie and I went to pick up a gate for the fence we've been installing. The person in front of us paid by check, and there was a young girl at the register. For whatever reason, she couldn't process the check, so we stood there, waiting. She called someone and was on the phone for a couple of minutes, and tried something else and that didn't work. By now, the line was getting longer and the girl more flustered. She tried again, with no success, and she kept apologizing to us. I told her not to worry, "They also serve who stand and wait." Finally, just before checkout line rage erupted in the line, she got the register to accept the check.

They also serve who sit at the kitchen table and wait. I don't think that's in the bible. But it's true. In my life, downtimes have been preparation times. Cosmic shift times. Same thing seems to happen when I'me beating my head against a wall trying to make something work that is broken, and isn't supposed to work.

Yesterday when I took my walk, I passed the long stretch of black raspberry bushes that I've been checking up on. A couple of days earlier, the berries were nowhere near ripe enough to pick. Yesterday, they were all gone. They were ripe enough for birds. Just not humans. In the meantime, my bushes are producing enough berries for breakfast, and a pudding with fresh berries for desert after supper. The birds don't seem to have discovered them.

