The Mudcat Café TM
Thread #103704   Message #2117279
Posted By: Dave the Gnome
02-Aug-07 - 07:35 AM
Thread Name: BS: Why P on anyones Parade?
Subject: RE: BS: Why P on anyones Parade?
There is a HUGE difference between 'I don't particulary like' and 'It is crap', Brian. I think Jacqui explained it far better than I.

I would have gone on to say, in addition to Jacqui's post, that worse than the 'if you like it you must be stupid' implication is the implication that some peoples tastes are, in someway, better or worse than others. They are just different, that is all. I think the last line of mine that you quote sums up the postion very well. I don't expect you to like all the stuff I do and I probably won't like all your music.

But when someone starts to throw around phrases like this IS the best or this IS the worst as if it were a fact or when someone implies that that I am in some way inferior to them then, yes, I will enjoy the scrap:-)

And you don't need excusing for having an opinion at all. Just don't believe that the people who have a different one are in any way better or worse than you!



BTW. Glad you have started quoting me. Shows that someone takes some notice:-)