The Mudcat Café TM
Thread #103704   Message #2117313
Posted By: Dave the Gnome
02-Aug-07 - 08:21 AM
Thread Name: BS: Why P on anyones Parade?
Subject: RE: BS: Why P on anyones Parade?
How so? I cannot say I NEVER say anything is rubbish - What about rubbish? What am I supposed to call that? I have absolutely no idea what the last half of the quote means - apart from it has a smiley after it so I guess it is a joke. I must admit I AM puzzling myself more and more often nowadays! :-) Can I have it in context please?

I stick by my guns. I would very rarely say that anything is rubbish. I would rather just say I do not like it - Alternatively I have often said (like of Jazz) that I do not understand it. I have made mistakes. Of course I have, as has everyone. I have regretted them as soon as they are realised. All I am asking on this thread is that people at least try to offer the same courtesy.

Why the assasination attempt for that? Oh, and apologies for spelling your name with an i instead of a y.

