The Mudcat Café TM
Thread #103764   Message #2117340
Posted By: Azizi
02-Aug-07 - 08:58 AM
Thread Name: BS: Infrequently Asked Questions
Subject: BS: Infrequently Asked Questions
Questions, I got questions. And I bet other people do too.

Mudcat already has a Frequently Asked Questions thread. This thread is for infrequently-or never before-asked questions.

Sometimes reading Mudcat threads is like eavesdropping on a converation. Sometimes I have a question about something someone wrote but I don't ask it because to do so would be too disruptive to the discussion. There are other times I wanna ask a question that pops into my head but I don't ask it because I figure that everybody but me probably knows the answer. And sometimes I ask a slightly, or really off-topic question anyway. But the question doesn't get answered -maybe because it got lost in the conversation or maybe because folks considered it to be too trivial. Well, some questions are trivial, but trivial is not necessarily the same thing as dumb, right? Besides Trivial Pursuits is a game and some folks-including me-like to gather information about all kinds of miscellaneous subjects just to satisfy our curiousity.

On this thread folks can ask all the trivial questions or slightly off-topic questions, or really off-topic questions they want to. And hopefully folks will respond on this thread to those questions in the spirit they were given-that is to say-with knowledgeable, intelligent-and not necessarily "smart"-remarks.

This thread could also be used as a repository for links to other Mudcat threads on the general or specific topic that a person is wondering about. If there's a Mudcat thread or post from a thread that also answers a question posed, and provides additional information about that question, it would also be great if the name of that thead-and ideally, a link to that thread or that post-would be provided in this thread.

This thread may also be used to point out other threads on miscellaneous topics that you remember or you found by "surfing the Mud"-Mudcat that is.

In other words, this thread is for inquiring minds who wanna know stuff that other folks may not think is important. Btw, I looked for a previous thread like this, but couldn't find one. If there is already a thread like this, hopefully someone will provide a link to it.

In my next post, I'll start off with a couple of questions and a link to what I consider an interesting Mudcat thread which started off with one infrequently asked question and includes responses to that question which provide not-easy-to-find-in-one-place information about various musical instruments.

Join in if you have a mind to.

Thanks in advance for the answers to these questions!