The Mudcat Café TM
Thread #103704   Message #2117465
Posted By: TheSnail
02-Aug-07 - 11:10 AM
Thread Name: BS: Why P on anyones Parade?
Subject: RE: BS: Why P on anyones Parade?
Dave Polshaw

How do you know that the other correspondant hod NOT listened to Denny and Collins and still preffered Bunyan?

Well maybe that was a little hard on Heart+ but I must admit I find it a difficult concept.

When the thread started, I had a listen to Vashti Bunyan on YouTube to find out what was supposed to be so wonderful. I was deeply underimpressed but didn't say anything. Only when Joe Offer posted a list of "names of similar artists" which included Shirley Collins and Sandy Denny did I react. Imagine how you would have reacted if someone said "Well, if you like the Wombles Christmas Song you'll probably like Ian Anderson who is very much the same.".

And then, all I did was suggest that people listen to them and make their own judgement.

Likewise with Norma Waterson. I merely suggested that further listening might be rewarded. You seemed to take this as forcing my opinions on you and flaunting my superiority. A slight over reaction I feel.

Missing Tull today because I don't get to Wickham till tomorrow where we're billed as "and many many more". I wonder if they're as good as when I last saw them 35 years ago.

Work? WORK! Now you have insulted me.