The Mudcat Café TM
Thread #20370   Message #211773
Posted By: katlaughing
14-Apr-00 - 02:09 PM
Thread Name: Thought for the Day - Apr 14
Subject: RE: Thought for the Day - Apr 14

My mom struggled with how to deal with that, before she died and wound up not putting anyone's name on anything for fear she might hurt our feelings. Not so, her mother, who very carefully labeled everything with a little bit of tape and someone's name on it.

So, we kids did as well as we could in dividing things up. There were many things we just didn't want and wound up giving a lot of them away. That felt better than trying to sell anything.

My kids have been told to let me know what they care about enough to want once I am gone and those things will either be set aside for them or given to them while I am still around and lightening the load. I will find homes for the *stuff* they don't want. I really do not want them to have to wade through piles of papers, treasures, etc., when I am gone. It is tough...some of the things I have, fmaily things, make me want to return to the family roots in Colorado and open an early days museum in a little front parlour!
