The Mudcat Café TM
Thread #100286   Message #2118086
Posted By: Baggins 360
03-Aug-07 - 04:37 AM
Thread Name: Best Folkies from out of Greater Manchester
Subject: RE: Best Folkies from out of Greater Manchester
I just thought I'd add this to the string. Most of us Mancunians know that Manchester/Salford is our City BUT our county is Lancashire we are Lancastrians. Those buggers in the Town Hall can call us anything they like, but most of us (of a certain age) that Manchester's where you come from but Lancashire is where you belong to. Nuff said. To add my vote the greatest Folkie from Manchester was Ewan MacColl (who was a Salford Lad, His Dad was Scottish) and to my mind the bestFolkClub in Liverpool was The Wash House.