The Mudcat Café TM
Thread #23200 Message #2118087
Posted By: Dave the Gnome
03-Aug-07 - 04:40 AM
Thread Name: Jacomo finane? What does that mean?-Iko Iko
Subject: RE: Jacomo finane? What does that mean?
I haven't read through all the thread so apologies if this has been broached before. I do have a certain fascination with etymology and like to see the threads common in various languages. Brother John is of course the English translation of the French kids song 'Frere Jacque'. John, Jacque and Jacomo (or Giacomo) being possibly the same in origin. All I can find for Finane as a name is English - and old at that - so I do not see a connection there so I am, for now, ignoring it.
The more recent talk of Jonkanoo and John Canoe I found intersting. It is not a million miles from the sailors name for South Sea Islanders - John Kanaka - Spawning a sea shanty of the same name. OR did the phrase in the shanty exist first? Shanties and plantation work songs have a long and proven connection - Would the African Jonkanoo have become the English John Canoe only to be replaced on board by John Kana or Kanaka? When the sailors were greeted by the Isladers in their canoes would they have become John Canoes as well?
Certainly worth a brief speculation I would have thought. Or am I talking bollocks? Should I wait until I am at the bar before bringing it up again? :-)