The Mudcat Café TM
Thread #103717   Message #2118114
Posted By: gnomad
03-Aug-07 - 05:44 AM
Thread Name: I love Lincolnshire
Subject: RE: I love Lincolnshire
I lived in Lincolnshire for about 6 years, in the bit they were trying to call Humberside at the time.

Having moved there from the bit of Yorkshire they were also trying to call Humberside I was quite cautious, expecting the traditional rivalry between north and south banks to make me an outsider at best. I also expected a dull prairie-like landscape.

To my surprise I found a beautiful county, bigger than I expected, with a wide variety of landscape, and retaining the best features that my old East Riding landscape was quickly losing at the time. My concerns about being accepted were also unfounded, the natives proving extremely hospitable, talented, and interesting.

It is 20 years since I moved out. I still have more, and closer, friends there than in the area I moved to, where I got stuck for 18 years. In fact if I hadn't found my way to where I am now (Whitby) I would return like a shot. I don't "belong" anywhere, but if I got to choose where I "belonged" then I reckon north Lincolnshire would be running this place a close second.