The Mudcat Café TM
Thread #102609   Message #2118252
Posted By: ClaireBear
03-Aug-07 - 09:58 AM
Thread Name: BS: Help! info on Woody's Cook-In Sauce
Subject: RE: BS: Help! info on Woody's Cook-In Sauce
Partridge, That's too funny -- that recipe is originally from way up top of this thread, from which someone copy pasted it onto one of those recipe sites...and now it's ba-a-ack!

But thank you for the effort. I did a very thorough scrub of the Internet for copycat recipes before I started this thread, and there weren't any...not that there mightn't be some now.

I'm with Bryan on simplicity of ingredients. I wish I had an ancient Woody's bottle, from before corn syrup was on the ingredients list...'cause I bet xanthan gum wasn't, either. I got the right texture with the ingredients I used (no chemicals among 'em), with the black pepper and cumin thickening it up quite nicely. Now, I know the cumin shouldn't be in there, but I'm guessing whatever should be there instead oughta have a similar texture and effect on the sauce. Maybe just more black pepper & paprika. Hmmm.