The Mudcat Café TM
Thread #103721   Message #2118479
Posted By: emjay
03-Aug-07 - 02:55 PM
Thread Name: BS: Senator Ted Stevens (1923-2010)
Subject: RE: BS: Senator Ted Stevens
One thing I hope does come out of this, that they change the name of the airport. I wasn't surprised when his son came under investigation, I wasn't surprised at some of the other state legislators. We knew some of that stuff was going on, but like a lot of people, I thought Ted was too smart to do those things or to be caught.
A former US Attorney, also a Republican, has made some interesting comments about ongoing investigations and those still to come. Approval of those search warrants, he said, was not granted on mere suspicions and rumors, and had to have come from the very top.
No matter what is found or not found, Stevens did not avoid the appearance of evil when oil field services company Veco had a hand in the remodel of his home. Veco is not likely to have had a thing to do with remodeling my house nor Alaska Mike's nor Ebbie's nor any of the other Alaskans who post on Mudcat. Whatever they did, whether it was only receiving bills and passing them on to the Senator and his wife or actually contributing financially to the remodeling, it was more than should have been done for a sitting US Senator in a position to help the company.
Now, since this is Mudcat, there must be a song in this?