The Mudcat Café TM
Thread #103704   Message #2118526
Posted By: Dave the Gnome
03-Aug-07 - 04:00 PM
Thread Name: BS: Why P on anyones Parade?
Subject: RE: BS: Why P on anyones Parade?
Can I ask another question of both Bryan and the general populous. When you hear something you do not like, but it is obvious other people do, do you ever consider that it may be something in you rather than something in the music that is flawed? I do. Maybe that is why I do not like criticism without reason. I do not like a lot of Jazz and Opera and, as has been pointed out, I have admitted that I do not particulary like Norma Watersons style of singing. No problem, I'm sure she doesn't like mine. I do know however that lots of these things are good. But I Still don't like them.

If you are in the same position do you never wonder why you don't like them and why other people do? I have been hauled to task for saying I don't like Norma - But I have also said that she is good. She must be because so many people tell me so! I now have a dichotomy. I don't like something that must be good! Much in the same way that as a kid I didn't like the cod liver oil, even though I knew it was good for me:-) Maybe I just never grew up. Perhaps I have not got adult tastes? But should I be castigated for that? Should anyone?

Back to the opening question, whether I am guilty of the same thing or not doesn't matter. Is it right to criticise other peoples tastes without explaining why you think something else is better. Or, in other words, Why P on anyones Parade?



PS - Know you may be at Wickham, Bryan. Lucky Bastard:-) When you get back will do for the reply. I'll endevour to keep the ol' thread afloat.
