The Mudcat Café TM
Thread #103764   Message #2118655
Posted By: Azizi
03-Aug-07 - 06:57 PM
Thread Name: BS: Infrequently Asked Questions
Subject: RE: BS: Infrequently Asked Questions

I'm so SORRY, Becca72!

I don't know how I missed your post. I know I need glasses sometimes but that's crazy.

So that means that the winner that was announced was actually not the winner so he has to give back the title and his prize-

Oh that's right. There was no prize.

Well, CONGRATULATIONS to our REAL winner, Becca72.

Give that girl a hand

[and please hold the jokes that might come as a result of that line].

So do people say bugger in the USA as much as it seems that word is used in Europe? And what about "bloody" as an adjective Britlike the serovei