The Mudcat Café TM
Thread #103415   Message #2119647
Posted By: Mike Miller
05-Aug-07 - 10:47 AM
Thread Name: BS: And the next US President will be
Subject: RE: BS: And the next US President will be
The winning candidate will be the one who gets the most votes. How he/she gets them is not part of the equasion. The Republicans could nominate an empty pair of pants and still win. They did just that in 2000 and 2004. They are just better salesmen. They understand the dreams and fears and needs of their customers and, believe it or not, they are as sincere, in their beliefs, as you are.
And, while we are at it, let us admit that compassion and empathy, alone, do not make a great leader. No one, on either side of the aisle, questions the kindness and dedication of Jimmy Carter and no one thinks he was an effective president. (I don't know if you remember the campaign in 1976 but Carter ran as a self describe conservative. If I'm lyin', I'm dyin')
So, unless Sam Waterson is the Democratic nominee, my money is on his boss.
