The Mudcat Café TM
Thread #93709   Message #2119874
Posted By: GUEST,faintingoat
05-Aug-07 - 03:59 PM
Thread Name: what phrases do you hate?
Subject: RE: what phrases do you hate?
I hate when people destroy the written language. Internet aside (although I do HATE when ppL TyP LiK DisS)I think the world needs to learn that "definitely" is NOT spelled "definately". "Then" and "than" are different words with different meanings. As are "their", "they're", and "there"

Also, you cannot do something "on" accident.

And You do NOT(bold underline italicize) need to ask where someone is AT.

No do you WARSH your clothes (that might just be where I live, but still). Coloring with "ornge crowns" is also "unpossible."