The Mudcat Café TM
Thread #103846   Message #2120002
Posted By: Fumble Fingers
05-Aug-07 - 07:32 PM
Thread Name: Lyr Req: The Mill (from Outlaw Social)
Subject: Lyr Req: Outlaw Social: The Mill
Pharis Patenaude, one of the awesomely talented people with the amazing Victoria BC group Outlaw Social, has written a song on their CD entitled The Mill. I could write the group directly, I suppose, but thought it might lead to interesting discussion to put their name out on Mudcat's Forum, and see what ensues.

Specifically, I cannot make out the words in two verses, indicated by [something]:

- draw near/a boy's down/[something] a week now

- one hand/lost one hand/[something] on the engine

Sounds rather dorky singing it around the house whatever a week now, blah blah on the engine ...

Patenaude and her group can sing it forever.

Thanks, friends.