The Mudcat Café TM
Thread #103764   Message #2120216
Posted By: Azizi
06-Aug-07 - 07:32 AM
Thread Name: BS: Infrequently Asked Questions
Subject: RE: BS: Infrequently Asked Questions
Guest, or somebody! Help!

What did I do wrong in my 06 Aug 07 - 07:23 AM post?

I only wanted George's statement to be in italics.

And why did the symbol thingy show?

{If anyone answers these questions, I won't be able to respond until after work since for some reason, my employer put Mudcat behind a firewall {or whatever} and I {and I presume anyone else who works there}can't get access to it. I haven't a clue why they would do that. But since I really don't have time at work to read or post on the Mudcat, it's just as well.

I'm curious if Mudcat off-limits to anyone else at their work place?