The Mudcat Café TM
Thread #103866 Message #2120668
Posted By: Viracocha
07-Aug-07 - 04:07 AM
Thread Name: Folklore: Tag (the game)
Subject: BS: Tag
We've got so many threads about playground songs, so I was wondering about playground GAMES. Everyone I came across over Britain as a child (admittedly, not many people) knew how to play tig-and-tag. It's the most basic kids' game - one person is "It", and tries to catch the others. There's usually a safe place for them to go - a "dell". In my school, we used to have three large-doorstep-things around one area, so those were all "dells"- one was a "countdown" dell (from 10, and at 0, "It" could jump onto the dell), one was "pull off" (where you could grab onto an arm sticking out and yank the people off), and one was "normal".
When I met some friends in Manchester, when I was still little, they called it "tig", and "dell" was "den". And Americans call it "tag" - at least, the ones on tv do! ^_^ So I was wondering what differences everyone else had when they were little.
Feel free to post about other playground games, too...