The Mudcat Café TM
Thread #103867   Message #2120683
Posted By: GUEST,Ewan McVicar
07-Aug-07 - 04:27 AM
Thread Name: Brownies, Scouts, Boys/Girls Brigade
Subject: RE: Brownies, Scouts, Boys/Girls Brigade
Time someone considered how much song learning in these uniformed groups contributes to the ongoing life of singing. In a book of Scottish kids songs I have just finished I labelled several as Brownie Songs, having been passed on and I think reshaped in that setting, and I think that several others the kids gave me had similar sources. I also include a couple I learned in the Scouts, and others reported to me as learned in Guides. [And a few gathered through Mudcat -hurrah!]
One class four months ago sang me a fine bunch of 'camp songs', all of them fine modern American songs.