The Mudcat Café TM
Thread #103704   Message #2120726
Posted By: Dave the Gnome
07-Aug-07 - 06:36 AM
Thread Name: BS: Why P on anyones Parade?
Subject: RE: BS: Why P on anyones Parade?
I guess the above is Bryan sans biscuit?

You are quite right that you are the only one bothering to engage but I don't really see that I am 'picking on you'. Am I? You address specific points to me. In bold type at that! So I am replying directly. We could of course do it by PM but that would be pretty boring for anyone else who want's to see what a argumentative sod I can be when I set my mind to it;-)

Your first and second posts on this thread was to try and prove that I have occasionaly 'P'd on someones Parade'. Fair enough - I have. Does that mean I cannot say it is wrong? I have often had to much to drink as well but I still know it is a bad thing to do. Your opening posts were all about trying to discredit the author rather than the argument so please excuse me if I get rather defensive.

It was not my intention at all to discuss who is good, bad or ugly so apologies for allowing myself to be drawn down that route. Ditto for allowing the argument degrade into a who did what match. It does not matter whether I believe that Sid Vicious had the sweetest voice in the world and Pavarotti cannot sing for toffee. I don't believe either btw in case someone decides to take me seriously. Nor does it matter that I have made comments which undoubtably can be seen as a slur on a particular artist and may offend other peoples sensibilities.

All I am saying is that it is wrong to simply state 'such and such is crap'. I find it perfectly acceptable to say 'I do not like ... because' or '... is not to my own tastes' If I have used phrases that others have taken offense at before then, fair enough, tell me about it and I will firstly apologise and then, more than likely, explain what I really meant. When responding to threads, particularly when heated, my turn of phrase may sometimes stray but in the main I will try to keep civil and objective.

Find as many examples of me P'ing on a parade as you like. It still does not excuse it. I will endevour to keep parades dry in future and if that puts me on a high horse - fine. The view is particularly good from up here:-)

