The Mudcat Café TM
Thread #103866 Message #2120850
Posted By: Dave the Gnome
07-Aug-07 - 11:59 AM
Thread Name: Folklore: Tag (the game)
Subject: RE: BS: Tag
Swinton, Manchester, UK. 1950s/60s. Tiggy. Barleys was the word used to indicate you were having 'time out'. Variation - Tiggy off the ground where you could not touch the ground or you were 'it' as well as if you got tigged.
Ip dip dip My blue ship Sailing on the water Like a cup and saucer My Mother says that you are ... (Used to depend if you wanted them in or out;-) )
Ip dip do Cat's got flu I've got the chicken pox so out goes you
Did anyone else play 'kick can'. Place a can on the ground in the middle of the street. Someone would kick it as far as possible and whoever was 'on' had to run to get it then walk backwards to it's startng place while the others went and hid. To get someone out they had to find them and make it back to the can first. If the other person made it to the can first they could kick it again and the whole procedure started over. Far more violent than hide and seek:-)