The Mudcat Café TM
Thread #103704   Message #2120870
Posted By: TheSnail
07-Aug-07 - 12:17 PM
Thread Name: BS: Why P on anyones Parade?
Subject: RE: BS: Why P on anyones Parade?
Hi Dave (There's only us left).

So, do we have a definitive answer?

The reasons that you have given so far (or that have been given on your behalf) are -

You were being ironic,
You were having a senior moment,
"I have often had to much to drink"

I think one or a combination of those probably covers all situations.

Didn't get to Wickham till Friday afternoon so missed Tull on Thursday night. Missed The Spooky Men as well which was a pity. The Kathryn Tickell Band, Eliza Carthy and the Ratcatchers, Les Barker, Cherish the Ladies, the Mike West Band all brilliant. The rest a bit too rocky for my taste although it was interesting that the Saw Doctors who were a good old fashioned rock band realised that you don't need to turn the bass up so you can feel it through your feet a quarter of a mile away.