The Mudcat Café TM
Thread #103866 Message #2121352
Posted By: Janie
07-Aug-07 - 11:27 PM
Thread Name: Folklore: Tag (the game)
Subject: RE: Folklore: Tag
The person who was 'it' in hide-and-seek would simply yell out, "Ready or not, here I come!" when they reached a count to 100. To end a game of hide-and-seek before everyone was found, the Seeker and any of us who had been caught would stand at home base and yell "All-ee All-ee in Freeeeee!"
We also played a variant of hide-and-seek called "Sardines." One person would go hide while everyone else counted to 500, and then we would disperse to find the one person. If you found them, you had to try quickly to hide with them from all the other seekers. The challenge was to find a good hiding place that would remain a good hiding place as the number of hiders increased. The fun of it was the hiding place was never quite big enough and some some really odd contortions ensued as people tried to pack themselves in or make room for one more.