The Mudcat Café TM
Thread #103866   Message #2121404
Posted By: Bert
08-Aug-07 - 12:57 AM
Thread Name: Folklore: Tag (the game)
Subject: RE: Folklore: Tag
The kids used to hold out both fists and the leader would count around, One potato, two potato, three potato, four
Five potato, six potato, seven potato, more, bangibg each fist in turn with his, When they reached 'more' the kid had to put that fist behind his back and then the leader would go 'round again. The winner was the one left with a fist out.

Other games were,

What's the time Mr. Wolf
Fag cards
Bottle tops. Which was the same game as fag cards but played with cardboard milk bottle tops.
Jump rope, of course but mostly by girls
Two ball, again mostly by girls
Kingy in the Middle
Cops and robbers
Cowboys and Indians (Bang you're dead)

These games were seasonal, you wouldn't dream of playing gobs during fag card season.

Marbles and hop scotch were played occasionally if we were really bored