The Mudcat Café TM
Thread #20316   Message #212181
Posted By: Hollowfox
15-Apr-00 - 09:54 AM
Thread Name: BS: Lapsang Souchong
Subject: RE: BS: Lapsang Souchong
I always thought that milk-and-sugar into the tea was the only way to drink it. That's the way my grandmother taught me. Late in her life she told me that she wouldn't drink milk as a child, so the family doctor recommended the tea as a way of getting the milk into her diet. When I visited relatives in Canada, I waited through all of supper for the milk to appear for the tea. when it didn't, I drank it sort of as a cup of iced tea. Later, someone remarked that dthey'd all gotten into the habit of drinking their tea "clear" during World War II, and thus began another tradition. BTW, if anybody likes a Strong cup of tea (orange pekoe genre, not smoky flavors like lapsang souchong), get hold of some Turkish tea. Even when not "properly" done up in a samovar, it's delicious. And it could probably raise a pulse in a corpse.