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Thread #103415   Message #2122228
Posted By: Little Hawk
09-Aug-07 - 12:23 AM
Thread Name: BS: And the next US President will be
Subject: RE: BS: And the next US President will be
Mike, I really don't follow you on that last diatribe....about "It takes brass balls to tell the American people how greedy, bloodthirsty and rude they are and, then, expect them to vote Democrat..."

Look, private people on Mudcat may say that stuff like that....

But for gosh sakes, Democratic candidates who are running for office sure as hell don't say anything like that!!!!!!!!!!!! They do not say anything resembling that. They don't have that kind of guts. So why would people vote against a Democratic candidate on account of something they heard some private person say...unless they're simply irredeemably prejudiced already by their own past mythology.

Democratic governments have been just about as ready to go to war in the past as Republicans....maybe even more so. So it IS mythology, mister. The Democrats normally serve the military industrial complex just as faithfully as the Republicans do, despite Republican propaganda to the contrary.

It's just a general impression of Democratic weakness to defend America that is created by people like Karl Rove, and the impression is total BS as far as I can see...both those parties serve the imperial agenda with absolute devotion.

By the way, a significant proportion of the American public IS greedy, spoiled, ignorant, bloodthirsty, and rude, if you compare them to the public in most other western democracies. They're infamous all over the world for that. They live in another friggin' reality all their own. So if it takes brass balls to say it, pal, it's for one simple reason: it takes brass balls to speak the truth in a neo-fascist society.

Yeah, you bet it does.

But you will NEVER hear a democratic candidate with balls enough to state that truth. No siree, they will state the usual patriotic platitudes and rabble-rousing if nothing that ever happened to America was caused by anything except vicious, democracy-hating foreigners of one variety or another... ;-)

So the Democrats, as a party, are not guilty of what you accuse them of. They're just as jingoistic and USA uber alles gung ho as the Republicans are, and the whole world outside the USA knows it, but the conservative movement in the USA has managed to make the American people think they aren't.   Quite a propaganda coup, that is. I think it must have all started with Richard Nixon, who made a fetish of depicting Democrats as "soft on Communism". What a load of crap.