The Mudcat Café TM
Thread #103846   Message #2122273
Posted By: Fumble Fingers
09-Aug-07 - 02:12 AM
Thread Name: Lyr Req: The Mill (from Outlaw Social)
Subject: RE: Two Words Req: The Mill (from Outlaw Social)
It was generous of you to transcribe the song, Jim, but if you read my original post again, you'll see that there are really only two words I can't be sure of in the song.

For "[something] for a week now," you have speculated on "plying" or "planing." I've speculated on words, too, but I'm really no closer to what Pharis Patenaude wrote now than I was a few days ago.

For "[something] on the engine", you have written "One on the engine." I've considered that. You could be right. But it sounds as much like "Born on the engine" too, which doesn't make a lot of sense to me. But then, "Blackbird" doesn't make any obvious sense, either. I don't understand what "Roll back/Like an oxblood" means either.

Heck, I don't care. I've been playing this song a gazillion times a day lately and my poor neighbours have to listen to me singing.

Outlaw Social and The Breakmen, a bluegrassy roots group from Vancouver, are doing a double bill in Victoria tomorrow night. I didn't even have to die to enter musical heaven.